Laura Richardson Whitaker
December 29, 1970 – March 23, 1994
Laura, a daughter of Seldon V. Whitaker Jr. and Susan Gurry Whitaker of State College, graduated in 1988 from State College Area High School, where she participated in the alternative program and served as the secretary of the program’s advisory council. Upon graduation, she received the Richard M. Sharp Award for Excellence for academic and civic achievement. She was a senior at Penn State, majoring in History and had been elected to Phi Alpha Theta National History Honor Society.
The Laura Richardson Whitaker Memorial Award recognizes excellence in research. The award supports dissertation-related research expenses of doctoral students enrolled in the WGSS dual-title program. (Minors are not eligible.) Self-nominations are welcome. Applications should include:
- A 1–2 page statement describing the applicant’s dissertation project with specific attention to research methods and goals
- A budget and brief budget justification, including a list of other funding sources or outstanding applications for funding (one page max)
- Two letters of recommendation that focus on the applicant’s research
- A current CV
Previous Recipients:
2024 Maggie-Rose Condit-Summerson and Emily Southard
2023 Zinhle Manzini
2022 Laurie Dubois, Terri Frasca and Brooke Tybush
2021 Flora Oswald and Nathaniel Schermerhorn
2020 Miriam Gonzales and Katie Ellis
2019 Kelly Douma, Mary Kruk, Brook Leonhardt and Lars Stoltzfus-Brown
2018 Lauren Fritzsche and Carolyn Levy
2017 Kelsey Brain and Leslie Sotomayor
2016 Elisabeth Garner
2015 Maria del Rosario Castro Bernardini and Aparna Parikh
2014 Azita Ranjbar and Shan-Jan Sarah Liu