Ozge Ege Altan

Professional Bio
I am originally from Turkey and completed my bachelor of arts degree in English language and literature at Bilkent University in Turkey. I then moved to London to study for my master of arts degree in comparative literature at King’s College London. Currently, I am a second year Ph.D. student in the dual-title program of Comparative Literature and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Penn State. My research revolves around modern and contemporary Middle Eastern literature, periodicals, queer studies and visual culture. I am interested in the question of how non-normative sexualities are portrayed, expressed and negotiated in a Middle Eastern framework.
Areas of Interest
Modern and Contemporary Turkish and Arabic Literature
Global Anglophone Fiction and Non-Fiction
Popular Culture
Feminist and Queer Theory
Visual Studies
Classes Taught
ENGL 15 (Rhetoric and Composition) Fall 2021
ENGL 15 (Rhetoric and Composition) Spring 2022
Book Review
Altan, Ege and Duman, Çağdaş “Ian William’s The Lady Doctor,” Journal of Graphic Novel and Comics, doi.org/10.1080/21504857.2020.1793790, July 2020.
Selected Literary Translation and Edited Volumes
Ballard, J. G, Hello America, Carroll & Graf Pub, 1989. [Merhaba Amerika, (trans. by Ege Altan), Sel* Publishing, 2020.]
Day, Elizabeth. Failosophy: A Handbook For When Things Go Wrong, Fourth Estate, 2020. [Tepetaklak, (ed. by Ege Altan), Ayrıntı Publishing House, 2022.]
Wicomb, Zoë. David's Story, The Feminist Press at CUNY, 2002. [David’in Hikayesi, (ed. by Ege Altan), Ayrıntı Publishing House, 2021.]