Triota Officers: 2024-2025
- President: Julia Hollowell
- Vice President: Olivia Podskoch
- Treasurer: Akshata Shastry
- Secretary: Emily Choe
- Events Chair: Sam Schwartz
- Social Media and Outreach Chair: Amy Schafer
Follow us on the Triota website and Instagram @triota_psu
Iota Iota Iota, known as Triota, is Penn State’s Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Honor Society. The purpose of the organization is to encourage and support scholarship, excellence, and activism in WGSS.
We encourage any student who is interested in to consider joining Triota, whether you are earning a major or minor in WGSS or simply want to learn more about feminism! View our constitution.
Triota meets Wednesdays at 6:00 pm in Boucke 312. We welcome everyone—even if you’re not a major or minor in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies.