Penn State women’s, gender and sexuality department lets students ‘put on a different pair of glasses’

Penn State women’s, gender and sexuality department lets students ‘put on a different pair of glasses’

The Daily Collegian quoted Alicia Decker, head of the women’s, gender and sexuality studies department at Penn State for an article for their #FacultyFriday social media spotlight.

“Taking a WGSS class is really like having your eyes opened for the first time to a new way of thinking about the world,” Decker said. “Once you learn to recognize systems of oppression, you can’t ever unsee that again. It’s very difficult to leave a women’s studies classroom indifferent.”

Check it out here: https://www.collegian.psu.edu/news/campus/penn-state-women-s-gender-and-sexuality-department-lets-students-to-put-on-a-different/article_158209d4-a96b-11ec-b93d-d72835b3a65a.html