Watch Jill Wood’s Workshop on Feminist Trauma Informed Pedagogies
Check out the video below for a discussion of trauma-informed feminist pedagogical strategies from Jill Wood’s workshop of October 20:
Trauma-Informed Feminist Pedagogy Workshop.
Jill discusses both theoretical and practical approaches of feminist trauma-informed pedagogy that considers students’ lived experiences of marginalization and trauma as a specific epistemological stance and as valid ways of knowing. A feminist trauma-informed teaching practice enables teachers to help students make connections between their experiences with trauma and larger systems of inequity to resist the pathologizing of their individual experiences. Given our regular interactions with students, instructors are best positioned to notice students’ distress. To the untrained eye, these students may appear as apathetic, tired, shut down, or even as indolent. However, trauma-informed approaches to teaching and learning suggest that students’ passivity must be contextualized within an educational system that actively disempowers susceptible individuals through trauma and marginalization.