Hil Malatino

Professional Bio
Hil Malatino is an associate professor in the Department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, a senior research associate in the Rock Ethics Institute, and affiliate faculty in the Department of Philosophy. He holds a Ph.D. in philosophy and a graduate certificate in feminist theory from Binghamton University. Prior to coming to Penn State, Malatino was a postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Gender Studies at Indiana University and assistant director and lecturer in women’s, gender, and sexuality studies at East Tennessee State University.
Malatino's work draws upon trans and intersex studies, critical sexuality studies, transnational feminisms, disability studies, and medical ethics to theorize how experiences of violence, trauma, and resilience play out in trans, intersex, and gender non-conforming lives. His most recent book, Side Affects: On Being Trans and Feeling Bad (University of Minnesota Press, 2022) is a critical phenomenology of fatigue, envy, burnout, numbness, and rage amid the ongoing onslaught of casual and structural transphobia. His first book, Queer Embodiment: Monstrosity, Medical Violence, and Intersex Experience (University of Nebraska Press 2019) examines the relationship between intersex embodiment, biomedical technologies, and the forms of subjectivity both enabled and constrained by the medicalization of gender non-conformance. His second book, Trans Care (University of Minnesota Press 2020), offers a critical intervention in how care labor and care ethics have been thought, arguing that dominant modes of conceiving and critiquing the politics and distribution of care entrench normative and cis-centric familial structures and gendered arrangements.
His essays have appeared in Hypatia, TSQ, Signs, and many other journals and edited volumes.
Malatino's current research combines trans, mad, and disability studies to think through and about trans philanthropist Reed Erickson's archives and legacy.
Side Affects
- Publication Date: 2022
- Website: https://www.upress.umn.edu/book-division/books/side-affects
About the Book:
Some days—or weeks, or months, or even years—being trans feels bad. Yet as Hil Malatino points out, there is little space for trans people to think through, let alone speak of, these bad feelings. Negative emotions are suspect because they unsettle narratives of acceptance or reinforce virulently phobic framings of trans as inauthentic and threatening.
In Side Affects, Malatino opens a new conversation about trans experience that acknowledges the reality of feeling fatigue, envy, burnout, numbness, and rage amid the ongoing onslaught of casual and structural transphobia in order to map the intricate emotional terrain of trans survival. Trans structures of feeling are frequently coded as negative on both sides of transition. Before transition, narratives are framed in terms of childhood trauma and being in the “wrong body.” Posttransition, trans individuals—especially trans people of color—are subject to unrelenting transantagonism. Yet trans individuals are discouraged from displaying or admitting to despondency or despair.
By moving these unloved feelings to the center of trans experience, Side Affects proposes an affective trans commons that exists outside political debates about inclusion. Acknowledging such powerful and elided feelings as anger and exhaustion, Malatino contends, is critical to motivating justice-oriented advocacy and organizing—and recalibrating new possibilities for survival and well-being.
Trans Care
- Publication Date: Fall 2020
- Website: https://www.upress.umn.edu/book-division/books/trans-care
About the Book:
2021 Lambda Literary Award Finalist
2021 Publishing Triangle's Leslie Feinberg Award for Trans and Gender-Variant Literature
Trans Care is a critical intervention in how care labor and care ethics have been thought, arguing that dominant modes of conceiving and critiquing the politics and distribution of care entrench normative and cis-centric familial structures and gendered arrangements. A serious consideration of trans survival and flourishing requires a radical rethinking of how care operates.
Queer Embodiment: Monstrosity, Medical Violence and Intersex Experience
- Publication Date: April 2019
- Website: https://www.nebraskapress.unl.edu/university-of-nebraska-press/9780803295933/
About the Book:
Merging critical theory, autobiography, and sexological archival research, Queer Embodiment provides insight into what it means, and has meant, to have a legible body in the West. Hilary Malatino explores how and why intersexuality became an anomalous embodiment requiring correction and how contesting this pathologization can promote medical reform and human rights for intersex and trans persons.
Malatino traces both institutional and interpersonal failures to dignify non–sexually dimorphic bodies and examines the ways in which the ontology of gender difference developed by modern sexologists conflicts with embodied experience. Malatino comprehensively shows how gender-normalizing practices begin at the clinic but are then amplified over time at both intimate and systemic levels, through mechanisms of institutional exclusion and through contemporary Eurocentric cultures’ cis-centric and bio-normative understanding of sexuality, reproductive capacity, romantic partnership, and kinship.
Combining personal accounts with archival evidence, Malatino presents intersexuality as the conceptual shibboleth of queerness, the figure through which nonnormative genders and desires are, and have been historically, understood. The medical, scientific, and philosophical discourse on intersexuality underlying our contemporary understanding of sexed selfhood requires theoretical and ethical reconsideration in order to facilitate understanding gender anew as an intra-active and continually differentiating process of becoming that exceeds and undoes restrictive binary logic.